Helping Them, Charging Yourself

This is my second time in “ElNour & ElAml Charity” for the Blind in Mansoura. Repeating the same sessions which the male teachers attended, I worked with two female teachers, Miss Rania and Miss Yasmeen, in addition to Miss Azza, the contact person who had to go outside many times as she is one of the admin people. The three of them are graduates of the Faculty of Arts, English Department. Miss Rania studied English Teaching methodology and Miss Azza does her higher studies in the Faculty of Education.

Miss Rania, who can HARDLY see in the morning, teaches in a school for the Blind. Miss Yasmeen trains others to play the guitar, yet she desired to join us. They took this session to be able to join the males in the PD sessions after preparing a suitable time for all.

I shared my opinion that we need to spread the culture of integrating the Blind students with the Sighted ones. They agreed and approved that idea.

Believe me, working with them has a UNIQUE Taste. Try it you will addict it.”Positive Addiction”

Date: March 9th 2017

Time: 1:25 – 2:50 p.m.

Type of training: A lecture about the Lesson’s ” Objectives and Processes”

Attendees: 3 mentees


Mentoring My Colleagues

Training teachers and undergraduates to teach Science in English, I and my colleague, Ahmed Abdelghani, started a new course “English For Science” which lasts for 30 hours. Each one of us will trains them for 15 hrs.

I entered with Ahmed after agreeing that I would attend his session to give him my feedback. He had to introduce them the course and what their part presenting demos after preparing them.

He asked if anyone of them could volunteer to present a sudden demo to break the ice. All but one teacher feared. She came to the board and started teaching ” Body Systems”. Then, he gave her little feedback .

Some of them fear that they may have to run the whole lesson in English commenting that they missed some of the explanation and discussion which others had participated in during that first session.

Finally, he had to finish as he had to correct an exam to deliver it. Thus, I am going to give him the feedback, post conference later.

Date: March 8th 2017

Time: 9:30 am- 10:55 p.m.

Type of training: a course session

Attendees : 12 trainees


Alhamdo li Allah, A new Place to GO
I have started a new journey in my first workplace, the school where I have started my teaching for seven years, “Zahraa Islamic Language Schools”, for teachers of English for KG pupils and teachers of Maths and Science. The work shop was titled ” Objectives and Processes”. I always like to start my sessions with my presentation at the NileTESOL Conference , 2017, ” Plant the Attitude, Grow the Knowledge, and Harvest the Skill” after modifying it.

A lot of the teachers are always graduates of Faculty of Arts , and Science who have not studied Teaching Methodology. and Even those who studied Methodology need to remember and update their information concerning new ways of teaching , interactive classes, micro teaching, student centered learning , etc… . I start with ” Objectives and Processes” as the “lesson plan” is consisted of these two main components.

There was an interactive discussion about the topic and they reflect depending on there experience. Some of them objected to some ideas but they were convinced especially when their colleagues approved my words. Most of the KG teachers left at 12:00 pm to start their class sessions. The others stay till we finished.

The Presentation below, the videos for each slide are not included:
Objectives & Processes

Date: March 1st 2017

Time: 11:00 am- 1:45 p.m.

Type of training: A Presentation about the Lesson’s ” Objectives and Processes”

Attendees : 20 teachers including the contact person

The School’s face link:

Zahraa’s post

Thank you:

Dr. Ruth Petzold
Dr. Serena Tyra
Dr. Hanaa Soudan
My colleagues
Thank you ALL, for what you BESTOW me.



I started my journey helping our brothers, Blind Teachers of “ElNour & ElAml Charity” for the Blind in Mansoura.
I started with two male teachers, Mr. Ashraf Badwy and Mr. Mohamed Farid ; who teach in schools and give private lessons in the charity. The contact person ,Miss Azza Atef attended as she is a graduate of the Faculty of Arts, English Department.
They face a lot of troubles. The new syllabus material are not printed in Braille. They suffer to some extent from the culture. They asked for more proficiency training particularly Phonetics and Grammar.
Let’s enjoy challenge.
You will not imagine your happiness dealing with them. They are waiting for us. Who can HELP them print and read in Braille .

Date: February 22nd 2017

Time: 1:30 – 4:05 p.m.

Type of training: A lecture about the Lesson’s ” Objectives and Processes”


We Harvest What We Plant


Dear Reader,

Helping others seems to be the ultimate Pleasure in Life, as people improve then world  change and in return Life flourish.

“A Mission, NOT a profession”

Here are some quotes which show how helping others is the spirit of life:

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Wisdom determines the success of your life. There are two ways to receive wisdom: mistakes or mentors. Mentors are the difference between poverty and prosperity; decrease and increase; loss and gain; pain and pleasure; deterioration and restoration.” – Mike Murdock

“We only have what we give.”  ― Isabel Allende

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”  ― Anne Frank, diary of Anne Frank: the play

“No one of you becomes a true believer until he likes for his brother what he likes for himself”.  ― Prophet Mohamed

“Give, but give until it hurts.”  ― Mother Teresa

“A simple act of caring creates an endless RIPPLE that comes back to you.” ~UNKNOWN

Short Film by: Daniel Yam & Foo Xiuqi, The Creative Room


Welcome to My Mentoring WORLD

Dear Visitor,

You are welcome to my page which displays my Mentoring Journey.

Our Mission is to help whoever teaches English and/or subjects in English e.g. Maths and Science for FREE as a part of our duty after being trained by the RELO/NileTESOL. The “Mentor Program” qualifies English professionals to be mentors helping those who need to improve their teaching way .

Feel FREE to share your feedback, comments, advice, suggestions, recommendations, inquiries, needs, mentoring demands, etc… .

Waiting for your interaction


Abdelghani Elhusseini

RELO/NileTESOL Trainer

Language Instructor & TOT Trainer

ESP Center, Mansoura University